Tri-Cities Soroptimist Against Trafficking (TCSAT)

Human trafficking is a worldwide problem that has impacted many communities - including ours. Since 2011, Soroptimist International of Pasco-Kennewick and Soroptimist International of Three Rivers have partnered to form Tri-Cities Soroptimist Against Trafficking (TCSAT). TCSAT has worked with local legislators, state officials and other concerned groups to build awareness in the Tri-Cities. This effort led to the formation of a community-wide coalition of first responders and community groups known as the Tri-Cities Coalition Against Trafficking (TC-CAT). TCSAT also educates the public on red flags to watch for so that law enforcement can be alerted. We create ‘rack cards’ for teen awareness and distribute them widely, with the intention of starting conversations about what to do when someone suspects a person is being trafficked.

Need Help?

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

Benton/Franklin County Resources

Other Resources

Shared Hope International

Blue Campaign / Homeland Security

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Please join Phi Theta Kappa, Associated Students of CBC, and SARC for the events listed on the flyer above at Columbia Basin College in Pasco:

  • January 22, 7 pm, Holden Court: Paper Chain Project

  • January 28, 11 am to noon, Human Chain stretching from SWL to HUB

  • January 29 8 am to 6 pm, Gjerde Center, educational exhibits and opportunities to speak with human trafficking experts

  • January 30, 8 am to 1:40 pm - multiple viewings of an educational film about human trafficking

Warning Signs of Child Sex Trafficking

Signs of physical abuse such as burn marks, bruises or cuts

Unexplained absences from school, truancy

Sexualized behavior/clothing

Overly tired or falls asleep in class

Withdrawn, depressed, or distracted

Has much older boyfriend

Brags about having lots of money

Displays expensive clothes, accessories, or shoes

Tattoos related to gang, money, ownership (e.g. barcode)